
05.03.2016  15:19


政府工作报告 Report on the Work of the Government





Hi! This is “Unique Chinese Words”! In today’s program, we will talk about “政府工作报告”——”Report on the Work of the Government”.

At the annual Session of the National People"s Congress(NPC), it’s an important agenda to hear and deliberate on the government work report , which includes a review of the work in the last year, general work arrangements and major tasks for the next year. The first Report on the Work of the Government was delivered in 1954. Up to 2016, 48 Reports on the Work of the Government have been delivered by successive Premiers.

E.g.: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivers the report on the work of the government at the Forth Session of the 12th NPC on March 5, 2016 .

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