
10.01.2018  18:31


    After 40 years of reform, opening up and development, China is standing in a "new era." The ultimate goal of this period is the "great rejuvenation of the nation," a blueprint set forth by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who plans to push his country forwards in a "new era" during which "no one must be left behind."

    In Xi's own words


    Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.


    In this new context, we must get a new look.


    And more importantly, make new accomplishments.”


    In 2018, we will mark the 40th anniversary of the launch of reform and opening-up.


    Reform and opening-up is a crucial move that is shaping China's future.

    40年的改革开放使中国人民生活实现了小康 逐步富裕起来了。

    Forty years of reform and opening-up have made it possible for our people to lead decent and even comfortable lives;


    We will make determined efforts to comprehensively deepen reform and open China still wider to the world.


    We will see that reform and opening-up complement and reinforce each other.


    It is my conviction that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will become a reality in the course of reform and opening-up.”


    In 2019, we will mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.


    We will act on a new vision for development and strive for sustained and healthy economic growth.


    These efforts will contribute towards a more prosperous and stronger People's Republic.”


    In 2020, we will establish a moderately prosperous society across all metrics.


    This is the society to be enjoyed by each and every one of us.


    On the march towards common prosperity, no one must be left behind.

    我们将举全党全国之力,坚决完成脱贫攻坚任务 确保兑现我们的承诺。

    We will mobilize the whole Party and the whole country in a resolute push to deliver on our pledge and eradicate poverty in China.


    The aspirations of the people to live a better life must always be the focus of our efforts.


    We must remain committed to a people-centered philosophy of development, and make steady progress towards realizing common prosperity for everyone.


    In 2021, we will mark the centenary of the Communist Party of China.


    For the Party which fights for the eternal wellbeing of the Chinese nation, the centenary only ushers in the prime of life.


    As the world's largest political party, the CPC must behave in a way commensurate with this status.”


    Its history makes it abundantly clear that the CPC is capable of not only spearheading a great social revolution,


    but also imposing a great reform on itself.


    We must continue to rid ourselves of any virus that erodes the Party's fabric,


    to make great efforts for fostering a healthy political environment of integrity,


    and to generate waves of positive energy throughout our Party, which can then build into a mighty nationwide force driving China's development and progress.”


    The Communist Party of China and the Chinese people have gone through trials and tribulations.


    These experiences have taught us that peace is precious and development must be valued.


    With confidence and pride the Chinese people will be steadfast in upholding our country's sovereignty, security and development interests.


    We will also work with other nations to build a global community with a shared future.


    and make new and greater contributions to the noble cause of peace and development for all humanity.


    As the saying goes: "It is better to see once, than to hear a hundred times."


    We do not need lavish praise from others.


    However, we do welcome objective reporting and constructive suggestions.


    For this is our motto: "Not angling for compliments, I'd be content that my integrity fills the universe.”
